
Philosophy of the Red Pill -

It is a philosophy that examines the dimensions of human behavior and is interested in analyzing the logical concepts and applications of preferences in choices for men and women and it depends on the  analysis of human behavior by a group of cross-science such as biology, psychology and sociology, a pill full of shocking facts that most people cannot swallow easily…..

The RED Pill

About the site

Red pill Arabic is the first specialized Arabic site In Intersexual dynamic relationships between men and women. It starts from understanding the philosophy of the red pill with its cross-science set: psychology, sociology, biology, analysis of human behavior...


1. Scientific articles from several specialists 2. Individual consultation service and training sessions 3. A very important set of scientific studies and references 4. Sponsor videos for topics of your choice

Our goals

Raising men and masculinity in society by spreading awareness, culture and the necessary values that schools or universities do not teach...


Coach Kareem

Young Arab Muslim (Live Coach) life coach…
He holds a degree as a life coach from Oxford University…
In the sense of a trainer specialized in modifying destructive or bad habits and behaviors, well informed by the methodology of analyzing the human behavior of men and women and studying biological, instinctive, psychological and social motives…
The exact speciality as a life coach is the dynamic of cross-cutting relationships between men and women, and has been active in social media for several years as an essayist, YouTube content maker and individual and collective consultant for those who need it around the world…

To consult or cooperate with us

You can benefit of our following services: 


Private consultation (individual)

You can book an individual (personal) consultation on topics such as relationship with the opposite sex such as husband, wife, male or female children, premarital advice or to understand the behavior of the opposite sex in general…


Group courses or lectures

We can coordinate to give an educational and training lecture on gender differences and traditional gender roles, the impact of equality on societies, the marriage system, the fertility rate of peoples and others…


Video sponsorship

You can sponsor a specialized video on a specific topic that will be broadcast on our YouTube channel and the sponsor of the video will be mentioned, you can send details by filling out the form on the support page…


For hosting or co-broadcasting (content creator)

If you are a content maker or media outlet and would like to coordinate to host, participate in a program or a joint broadcast on your channel, you can fill out the customized growths…

Follow the latest articles

You can follow and read the latest articles published in several topics about men and women, translated studies and scientific analyses with references, studies and statistics here in our website by Coach Kareem and group of other distinguished writers, I wish you a pleasant reading…