Harvard Legal: The fetus is a human being under the constitution and deserves life

Harvard Legal: The fetus is a human being and deserves life according to the law…

He also published an article in the Harvard Legal Department titled A Prenatal Fetus Is Considered a Person Constitutionally…
And from a legal point of view, the life of the fetus is considered protected under Article 14 of the Constitution, as it guarantees the equality of all persons and the right to protect their lives…

This proposition is very disturbing and disturbing to feminists
Those who consider the fetus a part of the mother’s body and she has every right to get rid of it at any time without the need to give any reason and try to make it free for all women in society…

And here I comment: According to what is known in embryology, the heart begins to beat between the fifth and sixth week, and the heartbeat can be monitored in the fetus in the sixth week…

And starting from the 16th day after conception, the nervous system begins to develop, and the nerve network begins to converge and introvert until between the sixth and seventh week, the formation of the brain is complete with its main parts, and brain activity can be monitored at this time…

After the eighth week, the fetus develops to a degree that gives it the ability to suck, swallow, and blink (closing and opening eyelashes), and it is able to dream and move its limbs even if the mother did not feel this movement until the 18th week of pregnancy…

He is a person who feels, moves, dreams, hears, and has awareness commensurate with his young age. As one of the neurosurgeons says, and he has experience in operations on fetuses inside the wombs, he says that he is forced to use anesthesia on the fetus because he feels pain, and this was confirmed by a research published in The scientific journal Live Science in 2016 stated that pain receptors in the skin develop after the seventh week, so the fetus can sense external pain as well, instead of the internal nervous system, as it is developed much earlier…

And here I say that abortion is killing a soul and not a part of the mother’s body that she can get rid of as she pleases, and it is one of the most egregious crimes that have been legalized in human history. Unless the pregnancy directly threatens the life of the mother, the mother is the parent and the child is the offspring.
Wish you all the best…

Coach cream

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