Reply to Darine Halima’s funny post

رد على منشور دارين حليمة المضحك

In response to one of the laughable posts😂😂😂

The first fallacy: Women prove their skills with hard work physically…
Throughout the ages, men were the ones who performed physically hard and dangerous work, and they were never assigned to women, for the simple reason that the structure of the muscle mass of men is greater than that of women, and the muscle tissue is denser and stronger, and as medical studies say, men are stronger than women in half. 52% of the upper body and 66% of the lower body. And the strength of the strongest 20% of women coincides with the weakest 20% of men… The man is stronger than the woman, on average, in one word in the natural state without the intervention of steroids, hormones, and stimulants…

Second fallacy: The fool, the author of the article, says, asking a man to carry 20 bags of cement together at once. If she had seen any construction worker working, she would have understood with her small mind that the transportation of building materials takes place in batches and not every 20 bags together.😏 The point of the sarcastic request is that she is required to transfer the 20 bags, one by one, as a matter of equality, which is worn out, naive, and stupid…

Third fallacy: The narrative that women are deprived of hard work because it is reserved for men😏 I say this pure shit, No one has prohibited a woman from working in these areas if she proves her competence. Any feminist who feels that she has the ability to work in coal mines, open roads, build houses, or maintain trucks, should apply and prove her worth in the test, and she will definitely get the job…

Fourth fallacy: There is not a quarter of evidence that working women are being robbed of their effort, This is just a naive personal opinion. And the story that women don’t get the land they work has the most funny point 😂😂😂 No one gets land if he works on it, Diba…😏 and the issue of inheritance, Feminist beliefs calling for the abolition of Islamic rule, If it is canceled, the matter will be returned to the will of the inheritor, and if he decides to deprive someone, he will forcibly deprive him of you…

Fifth fallacy: Comparison is not made between an animal and a human except from an animal😏 Strength is not due to muscular strength😏 And no one will marry an elephant 😂😂😂

Sixth fallacy: The woman is not required to work outside or inside the house at all, but rather inside only… and she has no financial obligation towards the family. And she was never required to spend a single penny, neither in her father’s house nor in her husband’s house…

Last but not least
The attached photos do not constitute a percentage (1/million) of women in the world and they happen in very rare and very difficult circumstances, and they are often in the absence of men in the family due to force majeure circumstances such as death or imprisonment….

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